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Understanding Parity & Insurance

Know Your Rights: Parity for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits, an updated trifold pamphlet explaining mental health parity, detailing what it means to be consumer, and listing the protections the parity law provides. 

From U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 

Understanding Parity: A Guide to Resources for Families and Caregivers, provides an overview of parity geared toward parents, family members or caregivers with information and tools to help obtain behavioral health services for children or family members in their care. 

From U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 

The Essential Aspects of Parity: A Training Tool for Policymakers, provides state regulators and behavioral health staff an overview of mental health and substance use disorder parity and how to implement and comply with the federal parity law regarding employeee-sponsored health plans and group and individual health insurance.

From U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 


What Have States Done to Ensure Insurance Parity?

From The Kennedy Forum and Scattergood Foundation

Analysis of Mental Health Parity Regulations

2010 White Paper from AHP Consulting

How to Maximize Your Insurance Benefits

From Kantor & Kantor Law Firm

Filing An Appeal Based on an Insurance Violation
From Kantor & Kantor Law Firm

“A Time to Heal”
An article about improving insurance coverage for eating disorder treatment. Written by law student Sarah Hewitt and originally published by Law and Inequality, this article advocates for reforms under the Affordable Care Act that would ensure sufferers of eating disorders can afford life-saving treatment.

Eating disorder treatment exists because—time and time again—we’ve seen how the responsible provision of care restores hope and returns light to the lives of wonderful, remarkable people—and this world stands in need of their uniquely creative voices. This we believe.”

– Chase Bannister, EDC Board President, Bannister Consultancy