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National Advocacy Days


Since 2001, the EDC brings advocates together once a year for national Advocacy Days to educate Members of Congress and push for important policy goals. 

Please join us on Capitol Hill where you can influence federal policy and make a difference in the lives of those affected by eating disorders!

Don't worry if it is your first time joining us. We will review our unified message and the legislation for which we will advocate. We will also teach you about lobbying and how to share your story in a way that leaves a notable impact on Congressional representatives. Your experiences are important—we need your voice.


Twelve years ago I came to my first Lobby Day in hopes of using my voice and the day did not disappoint! It has remained the vehicle through which eating disorder sufferers and/or their friends and families have had their voices heard over and over again. Together we make a difference!”

– Eileen Binckley, EDC Advocate, The Renfrew Center of Philadelphia