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EDC Ambassador Program


Ambassadors are key leaders in their states and help the EDC connect Members of Congress to their constituents to show the direct impact of eating disorders in their district and state. 

Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month


Story Collections: One of the most valuable ways to make an impact is by sharing your story. Stories may be used anonymously when we are meeting with Members of Congress, on social media, or in our monthly newsletters. Current Story Collections.

Direct Emails to Members of Congress: Direct emails are a great way to share your story and for Members of Congress to see the impact of eating disorders in their district/state. An email script and contact information will be provided to you.

In Person meeting with your Members of Congress or members of their staff (in your district) to advocate for EDC's legislation. EDC will help set up the meeting and do a prep call with you before the meeting. Current Initiatives

Attend town hall meetings with your Members of Congress to advocate for EDC's legislation. 

Participate in EDC's Days of ActionText and email alerts are sent to our community throughout the year asking for their support in sending an email and tweet to their Members of Congress urging them to support eating disorders and mental health legislation. The process takes less than one minute, but has a huge impact. 

Participate in EDC's Anual Advocacy Day